
Hello and welcome to YourAcnePro.com

As mentioned on the home page the general purpose of this site is to provide helpful information to you the reader on the subject of acne.

I chose this subject due to a personal connection within my family.

I observed first hand  not only my family member’s emotional downward spiral as the acne condition he was suffering from became worse but also the way in which he was misdirected and even exploited because of it.

His search for an effective acne solution led him all over the place and what I saw was that his decision making became more and more desperate and irrational the longer the acne stayed.

Ultimately I stepped in to help and to a large degree this website is a record of that journey towards finding him an acne treatment that actually worked.

You will notice on the site that there is one product in particular that is recommended repeatedly. The reason for this is that it was the one we eventually found that worked.

Just about every other page on the site explains why that product is so effective.

You will also notice a clear lack of respect on this site for the medical profession, the pharmaceutics  companies, cosmetics companies, crackpot “over night cure” vendors and witch doctors!

I make no apologies for that.

Please be aware that the links I have provided to any recommended products are called affiliate links. That means that if you purchase something after clicking the link I will receive a commission for that sale.

Any proceeds I make from those sales are used in the maintenance of this website, it’s promotion and if anything is left over I will spend the money on shiny objects, toys and candy.

If you have anything you would like to communicate to me about just click the “Contact” link.

And you can read more about me, Rob on Google.